Micah 5:2. December 24, 2023Ephesians 4:45-32. December 10, 2023Put On the New Self. Colossians 3:1-4. December 3, 2023I Corinthians 2:10-16. December 3, 2023Colossians 2:20-23. November 26, 2023We Speak Wisdom. I Corinthians 2:6-9. November 26, 2023The True Gospel Ministry. I Corinthians 2:18. November 19, 2023Colossians 2:8 ff. November 12, 2023Consider Our Calling. I Corinthians 1:26-31. November 12, 2023Do Not Be Deceived. Colossians 2:8-15. November 5, 2023Two Responses to the Cross. I Corinthians 1:18-25. November 5, 2023Walking in Jesus. Colossians 2:6-7. October 29, 2023An Appeal for Unity. I Corinthians 1:10-17. October 29, 2023The Gifted Church. I Corinthians 1:1-9. October 22, 2023. Pastor James WiersonAgonizing for the Church. Colossians 2:1-5. October 15, 2023. Pastor James WiersonPsalm 23. The Lord is My Shepherd. October 15, 2023. Pastor James WiersonChrist and the Sabbath. Mark 2:23-28. October 8, 2023The Riches of God’s Grace. Ephesians 2:4-7. October 8, 2023New Wine in Old Wineskins. Mark 2:18-22. October 1, 2023Intro to the Book of 1 Corinthians. A Jet tour Through the Book. October 1, 2023. Pastor James Wierson.The Calling of Matthew and Our Calling. Mark 2:13-17. September 24, 2023What’s Wrong with the World?/How Far God’s Grace Stooped Down. Ephesians 2:1-3. September 24, 2023The Healing of the Lame Man. Mark 2. September 17, 2023.The Believer’s Future is Linked with Christ’s Future. Ephesians 1:18-22. September 17, 2023Courageous Hope. Psalms 31. September 10, 2023. Pastor James Wierson. September 10, 2023The Confidence We Gain as We Come to Know God Better. Ephesians 1:15. September 10, 2023.Christ’s Plan to Reach the World/ Christ and the Battle for Spiritual Authority. Mark 1:21. August 27, 2023The Believer’s Great Privilege/ Praying to a Glorious God. Ephesians 1:15. August 27, 2023Christ’s Plan to Reach the World. Mark 1. August 20, 2023How We Are Secure in Christ. Ephesians 1:12-15. August 20, 2023Seeing the Marks of Jesus’ Divine Sonship, So That We May Worship Him. Mark 1. August 13, 2023Crying to God in the Midst of Persecution. Part 2. The Penitential Psalms. Psalm 143. August 13, 2023. Pastor James WiersonThe Role and Purpose of John the Baptist. Mark 1. August 6, 2023Our Glorious Inheritance. Ephesian 1:11. August 6, 2023The Wisdom of God’s Gracious Plan. Ephesians 1:9-11. July 30, 2023The Role of Christ in God’s Gracious Plan. Ephesians 1:6. July 23, 2023Introduction to the Gospel of Mark. July 16, 2023Praising God for His Glorious Grace. Ephesians 1:1-6. July 16, 2023The Conclusion to the Book of Proverbs. Wise Words from King Lemuel. Proverbs 31, Part 2. July 9, 2023Crying to God in the Midst of Persecution. Psalm 143, Part 1. July 9, 2023. Pastor James WiersonWise Words from King Lemuel’s Mother, Part 1. Proverbs 31. July 2, 2023Saints in Sinnerville/Chosen to be with Him, from Before Time Began, Part 2. Ephesians 1:4-5. July 2, 2023Why We Preach the Person of Christ. Colossians 1:28-29. June 25, 2023. Pastor James WiersonSaints in Sinnerville/Chosen to be with Him, from Before Time Began. Ephesians 1:4-6. June 25, 2023Lessons from a Math Professor. Proverbs 30. June 18, 2023Saints in Sinnerville/Blessed Beyond Comprehension. Ephesians 1:2-3. June 18, 2023Paul’s Reason for Everything. Colossians 1:24-29 . June 11, 2023. Pastor James Wierson
The recording for the June 11, 2023 morning sermon is not available. You can listen to the service on YouTube here.
God’s Requirements for Leaders. Proverbs 28. June 4, 2023The Gospel is Enough. The Conclusion to the Book of Acts. Acts 28:17-30. June 4, 2023The Value of Loyal Companions. Proverbs 27. May 28, 2023Taking the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth. Acts 28:1-10. May 28, 2023Three Qualities of Those Who Would Want to Lead. Proverbs 26. May 21, 2023There is Forgiveness with God. Psalm 130. Pastor James Wierson. May 21, 2023In Praise of Women and Mothers. Genesis 2 & 3. May 14, 2023The Voyage of St. Paul, Part 2. Acts 27. May 7, 2023Psalm 1. The Christian Loves the Word of God. April 30, 2023. Pastor James WiersonThe Voyage of St. Paul. Acts 27:1-8. April 30, 2023Introduction to the Proverbs Collected by Hezekiah/ Lessons for Leaders. Proverbs 25:1-15Fools for Christ. Acts 26:19-29. April 23, 2023The Importance of Words of Encouragement. Proverbs 15 and others. April 16, 2023The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a Gospel of Repentance and Belief. Acts 26:19–. April 16, 2023Easter Sunday. The Resurrection of Christ Brings Hope to Believers. April 9, 2023God’s View of Children. Proverbs. April 2, 2023The King has Arrived. Matthew 21. April 2, 2023A Final Call to Worship. Psalm 150. March 26, 2023The Grace Christ Brings to a Lost World. Acts 26:16-18. March 26, 2023Reconciled by the Blood of Jesus. Colossians 1:21-23. March 19, 2023. Pastor James WiersonChanged by the Power of God. Acts 26:12-15. March 19, 2023Trusting God in Times of Trial. Proverbs 3:5-6. March 12, 2023You Can Trust the Word of God, Part 1. Proverbs 30:1-6. March 12, 2023God and Grievous Sin. Proverbs 6:16-19. March 5, 2023Paul’s Reason for Everything/I Have seen HIM! Acts 26:12-18. March 5, 2023God Calls Us to Have Relationships Governed by Lovingkindness and Truth. Proverbs 3:3. February 26, 2023he Penitential Psalms Series – Calling Out to God in Times of Despair. Psalm 102. February 26,, 2023. Pastor James WiersonChrist is a Great Savior and He Saved a Great Sinner. Acts 26. February 19, 2023Paul’s Grand Defense/The Resurrection of Christ. Acts 26. February 12, 2023Jesus Christ is Lord Over Everything. Colossians 1:15-20. February 5, 2023. Pastor James WiersonFaithfully Trusting Through Trying Times. Acts 25. February 5, 2023Solomon’s and God’s Warning Against Anger from Proverbs, Part 1. January 29, 2023The Wise Man and Anger, Part 2. January 29, 2023Finding Contentment in Trying Times. Proverbs 30:7-9. January 22, 2023Proclaiming the Gospel to Bring Conviction. Acts 24. January 22, 2023The Sweet Providence of God. Proverbs 16:1-11. January 15, 2023The Penitential Psalms Series – The Elements of True Repentance. Psalm 51. January 15, 2023. Pastor James WiersonThe Kind of Speech a Wise Man avoids. Proverbs 26:18-28. January 8, 2023Truth on Trial/ The Case for the Resurrection of Christ. Acts 24. January 8, 2023A Prayer for Spiritual Discernment and Maturity. Colossians 1. January 1, 2023. Pastor James WiersonReturning to Our First Love. Revelation 2:1-7. January 1, 2023