A Bible-based, Christ centered, loving Christian community
Recent Sermons – 2020-2021
Most recent sermons by date
Through December 2021
Luke 2:21-33. Simeon’s Hymn of Praise. December 26, 2021Luke 1:26-33. The Role of Angels in God’s Glorious Plan. December 19, 2021Isaiah 7:1-14. The Immanuel Prophecy – God With Us. December 12, 2021Acts 15:36 – 41. The Consequences of Turning Back. December 5, 2021Week 10: Overview of the Book of Revelation. December 5, 2021Acts 15. God Saves Through Grace Alone. November 21, 2021Acts 15:1-11. The Council Part 1. What Kind of Gospel Shall We Preach? November 14, 2021Eschatology Week 7: The Millennium. November 7, 2021Acts 14:21-28. The Characteristics of Faithful Missionaries. November 7, 2021Eschatology Week 6: Events Surrounding the Second Coming. October 31, 2021Acts 14:1-22. Paul’s First Missionary Journey: A Man with a Mission. October 31, 2021Eschatology Week 5: Gog and Magog, Armageddon and the Second Coming. October 24, 2021Acts 13:38-52. The Glorious Gospel Paul Preached. October 24, 2021Eschatology Week 4: The 70th Week and the Rapture. October 10, 2021
We’ve been having some trouble recording the sermons in October, 2021. Those we have will be placed here but may be missing some segments. You can watch them on YouTube or Facebook.
Eschatology Week 3: The Roadmap on God’s Prophetic Timetable. October 3, 2021Acts 13.. The Beginning of World Missions, Part 2. October 3, 2021. ***Please note: Some portions of this sermon are missing due to technical difficulties. It is available on YouTube and Facebook.Eschatology Week 2: The Various Ways Believers View Eschatology. September 26, 2021Acts 13:1-4. The Beginning of World Missions. September 26, 2021Eschatology Week 1: Personal Eschatology. September 19, 2021Acts 12:1-17. The Power of an Awesome God. September 19, 2021Acts 11:19-26. Barnabas, a Man That God Can Use. September 12, 2021Ruth 4:13-22. Blessed and Included in the Family of God. September 5, 2021Acts 10 & 11:1-18. The Necessity and Sovereignty of the Spirit. September 5, 2021Ruth 4:1-12. How to Make a Name for Yourself. August 29, 2021Acts 10:32-44. Who is the Gospel for, Anyway? August 29, 2021Ruth 4:1-7. Behind the Book of Ruth. August 22, 2021Acts 10:1-21. Peter and a Barbeque: It’sTime for a Change. August 22, 2021
For Pastor Jerry Bishop’s sermon on August 15, 2021, please see the video on You Tube. You can access it here. Acts 9:31-43. The Miracles of Peter.
Special Baptismal Service: Testimonies of Those Being Baptized. August 8, 2021Hebrews 10:22-25. Not Forsaking the Assembly of Ourselves Together. August 1, 2021Matthew 11:25-30. The Solution to the Hopelessness of Life. James Wierson. July 25, 2021Ruth 3. Finding God’s Plan for Your Life. July 18, 2021The Kind of Worship God Seeks. Part 2. July 18, 2021Ruth 2. God Uses and Rewards Faithfulness. July 11, 2021The Kind of Worship God Seeks. July 11, 2021The Rooms of Salvation, Part 2. Phil Wilder. July 4, 2021The Rooms of Salvation, Part 1. Phil Wilder. June 27, 2021Ruth 2:1-12 The seeds of God’s grace begin to sprout. June 20, 2021. John 5:17-27. The Importance of Fathers. June 20, 2021Ruth 1: 16-22. Getting Home Before Dark. June 13, 2021
The message “Transformed by the Grace of God”, Acts 9, June 13, 2021, is not available here. You can find the message in the church service as recorded on YouTube and Facebook.
Ruth 1:6-19. The Triumph of God’s Grace. June 6, 2021Acts 9. Taking Time to Grow: Paul’s Time in the Wilderness. June 6, 2021Ruth 1:1-6. Under God’s Umbrella of Grace.. May 30, 2021Acts 9. The Change That Only God Can Make. May 30, 20211 Timothy 6. Paul’s Final Words to Timothy. May 23, 2021God’s Love for Children. May 23, 2021Genesis 24. What the Scriptures Say About Honoring Mothers. May 9, 2021I Timothy 6:13-16. A Doxology to God. May 2, 2021Acts 9:1-9. Amazing Grace Part 1: The Conversion of a Radical Enemy of Christ. May 2, 2021I Timothy 6:9-12. Things to Flee From, Follow After and Fight For. April 25, 2021Acts 8:32-39. Is Baptism Necessary? April 25, 2021i Timothy 6:3-8. The Secret and Necessity of Contentment. April 18, 2021Acts 8:26-38. The Content of Our Evangelistic Encounters. April 18, 2021Acts 8:26-40. An Unlikely Encounter with Christ. April 11, 2021I Timothy 6:3-5. Wholesome Words. April 11, 2021Easter 2021: Evidences for the Resurrection. Phil Wilder. April 4, 2021Easter 2021: I Corinthians 15:42-58. Rejoicing in the Resurrection. April 4, 2021I Timothy 5. Honoring the Ministry. March 28, 2021John 12. The Anointing of Jesus. March 28, 2021Luke 21. Signs of the Times Part 5. The Rapture and the Second Coming. March 21. 2021I Timothy 5:17-18. Elders in the Church. March 14, 2021Luke 21. Signs of the Times – The Olivet Discourse Part 4. March 14, 2021Zach Brungard. The Theme of I Peter: Christian Suffering. March 14, 2021Luke 21. Signs of the Times – The Olivet Discourse Part 3. March 7, 2021Luke 21:20-28. Signs of the Times – Learn to Discern the Times. February 28, 2021I Timothy 5:1-15. Viewing One Another as Family – How to Treat our Elders. February 21, 2021Luke 21. Signs of the Times – The Olivet Discourse. February 21, 2021Acts 8:5-24. The Samatarian Pentecost. February 14, 2021Acts 8:1-5. The Power of the Gospel Breaks All Barriers. February 7, 2021Luke 20:26-39. Will there be Marriage in Heaven? February 7, 2021Hebrews 11:1 Living by Faith. January 31, 20211 Timothy 4:11-16. Being a Godly example. January 24, 2021Acts 7:51-60. The martyrdom of Stephen. January 24, 2021Acts 7:37-54. The spark that ignited a glorious flame: Stephen’s sermon, Part 3. January 17, 2021Acts 7. The spark that ignited a glorious flame: Stephen’s sermon, Part 2. January 10, 2021I Timothy 4:6-10. The Pattern of Ministry That Pleases Christ. January 3, 2021Acts 6:8-15. The spark that ignited a glorious flame: Stephen’s sermon, Part 1. January 3, 2021Matthew 16:13-16. December 27, 2020I Timothy 4:1-5. The Latter Times in the Church. December 20, 2020Matthew 1:18-25. The Reason for the Season. December 20, 2020Matthew 1:1-17. The Genealogy of Our Savior. December 13, 2020Luke 1. Uncovering the Christ Child. December 6, 2020I Timothy 3:14-16. The mystery of the incarnation. December 6, 2020Government Ordained by God. November 29, 2020. Pastor Tim SchmigNovember 22, 2020. Pastor Kelly CarltonThe Book of Revelation. November 22, 2020. Pastor Kelly CarltonDon’t Miss Your Mission. November 15, 2020. Eddie Ziss, Missionary to the PhilippinesI Timothy 3: 14-16. What is the church? November 8, 2020Acts 6:1-7. A Spirit-led solution to a church conflict. November 8, 2020I Timothy 3:8-13. The calling and ministry of deacons. November 1, 2020Acts 5:12-42. How Satan tries to quench enthusiasm in the church. November 1, 2020Luke 18:9-14. The Pharisee and the tax collector. October 25, 2020I Timothy 3:1-5. Qualifications of Elders and Pastors. October 18, 2020I Thessalonians 4:13-18. Lift up your heads; your redemption draweth neigh. October 18, 2020Revelation 3:14-21. To the church at Laodicea: The church that makes Christ sick. October 11, 2020I Timothy 3:1-7. The kind of leaders Chirst’s church requires. October 4, 2020Galatians 2:20. Our union with Christ. October 4, 2020Jesus is coming soon! September 27, 2020Revelation 3:7-13. To the church at Philadelphia: Encouragement to a loving and faithful church. September 20, 2020Revelation 3:1-6. To the church at Sardis: You have to keep watch! September 13, 2020 ***Due to technical difficulties, this recording is not as clear and complete as usual.***I Timothy 2:8. God’s design for teaching in the church. September 6, 2020Revelation 2:18-29. To the church at Thyratira: Don’t teach false theology. September 6, 2020Revelation 2:12-17. To the church at Pergamus: Don’t tolerate false teaching. August 30, 2020Revelation 2:8-11. To the church at Smyrna: Stay strong during your persecution. August 23. 2020Revelation 2:1-7. To the church at Ephesus: Don’t forget your first love. August 16, 2020Summer Series Part 5: Psalm 199:97-104. God wants us to DELIGHT in the Word of God. August 9, 2020Summer Series Part 4. Psalm 19:7-14. The sufficiency of scripture. August 2, 2020 Here is the link to the John MacArthur video.Ephesians 4:1-16. Unity & peace in the church. Phil Wilder. July 26, 2020
Please note. Due to a widespread power outage in the area that affected the church building, there was no church service on Sunday, July 19. Therefore, no recording for this date.
Summer Series Part 3. Psalms 19:1-6. God’s Book of Nature; General Revelation. July 12, 2020Summer Series Part 2. Matthew 5:17-20. July 5, 2020Summer Series Part 1. 2 Timothy 3:10-16. The importance of the Word of God. June 28, 2020Revelation 19:11-21. Practical ways to evangelize. Jonathan Laase. June 21, 20202 Chronicles 34:1-38. The discovery of the Word of God. June 14, 20202 Corinthians 3:1-18. How to find victory over sin. June 7, 20202 Corinthians 5. How can we rekindle our love for Jesus? May 31, 2020John 15:1-9. Jesus is the vine, God is the gardener. May 24. 2020John 3:1-19, 36. God’s love for humanity is an example for us. May 17, 2020Colossians 1:15-19 May 10, 2020I John. The battle for a deeper assurance. April 26, 2020Romans 8:28-39. Nothing can separate us from the love of God if we are in Christ. Love is loyalty and affection. April 19, 2020I Corinthians 15:51-58. He is risen! Stand firm because Christ is risen indeed! April 12, 2020Luke 19:28 – 40. Jesus triumphs over surrender. In his death, he gains our salvation. April 5, 2020Psalms 46:1 – 11. We are safe because of God’s strength. March 29, 2020Psalms 107:1-32. God is good. His faithful love endures forever. March 22, 2020.