A Bible-based, Christ centered, loving Christian community
Guest Speakers, Missionaries and Special Events
In a Season of Waiting/Evangelism and Idolatry. Acts 17:16-34. Missionary Shawn Hill. May 1, 2022Colossians 2:6-8. Tracy Pennock. December 19, 2021 Matthew 11:25-30. The Solution to the Hopelessness of Life. James Wierson. July 25, 2021 The Rooms of Salvation, Part 2. Phil Wilder. July 4, 2021The Rooms of Salvation, Part 1. Phil Wilder. June 27, 2021Christian Humility: Daniel as an Example. Nate Jurmu, June 23, 2021The Existence of God. Phil Wilder. May 16, 2021Funeral of Bill McCoy. May 8, 2021Easter 2021: Evidences for the Resurrection. Phil Wilder. April 4, 2021Zach Brungard. The Theme of I Peter: Christian Suffering. March 14, 2021Dr. Tim Schmig. Government ordained by God. November 29, 2020Pastor Kelly Carlton. Psalm. November 22, 2020Pastor Kelly Carlton. The Book of Revelation. November 22, 2020Eddie Ziss, Missionary to the Philippines. Don’t Miss Your Mission. November 15, 2020Phil Wilder. Ephesians 4:1-16. Unity & peace in the church. July 26, 2020Bethany Boston. Developing written language for people groups. July 12, 2020Jonathan Laase. Revelation 19:11-21. Practical ways to evangelize. June 21, 2020